Indirect taxes such as Excise, Customs, Service Tax and VAT, all have an impact on your business. Our indirect tax professionals will help you to plan strategically to reduce your indirect tax costs by developing efficient indirect tax structures, preventing leakage and averting the damage that can be caused by non-compliance. Managing indirect taxes effectively requires deep knowledge of your business model, internal organisation and supply chain—and of the industry in which you operate. Our senior team of indirect tax establishes this understanding of your business and works with your own internal tax department to choose the best technical route for you.
Our Services Include:
- Providing assistance on procedural compliances of Indirect Taxes
- Providing structured Indirect tax planning
- Works Contract Tax planning
- Providing assistance and support on valuation, classification of goods
- Representing the assesse on appeals, revision’s etc., before the authorities of Indirect Tax
- Processing the exemptions and tax refunds with the tax authorities
- Preparation or advice on filing of various returns with Excise/Customs/Service Tax/VAT authorities
- Analysis of the contractual agreements and framing the opinions on indirect tax implications costs
- Providing opinions and tax planning on Service Tax matters